11 Mar, 2025
CT University proudly introduces the Solar E-Bike. Spearheaded by the social innovation startup 1Gen, this groundbreaking endeavor seeks to cultivate sustainable solutions through academic excellence.Under the leadership of Dr. Inderjeet Singh, Project Incharge, and the collective effort of a dedicated team comprising students from the Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science departments, the Solar E-Bike has successfully come to fruition. This cutting-edge vehicle transcends its role as mere transportation; it emerges as a powerful tool designed to elevate awareness about environmental protection, climate change, and overall well-being.Students also took the initiative to visit different nearby villages, becoming ambassadors for environmental awareness. Through interactive sessions and demonstrations, they shared insights about the Solar E-Bike and emphasized the critical importance of environmental sustainability within local communities
3D printed ‘Seed Sowing Robot’
Research Innovation and Centre of Excellence (RICE)
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
Journal of Biology and Today's World
Journal of SASIT-Challenges & Opportunities in Information Technology
Journal of diabetes, metabolism and its complications
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
"International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System "
Open journal of radiology
International Journal of Scientific Research & Development
Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences
Sambodhi (Year 2021, ISSN NO. 2249-6661)
International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
Psychology And Education(2020)57(9)
Universe International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Special Issue
EMG controlled Prosthetic Hand
Smart Cabinet
Smart Agricultural Robot
Smart Scarecrow
Hover Craft
Robotic Arm
Robotic Spider
3D printed Bird Model
Drawing Robot
Seed Sowing Robot
Sanitizing mat
Covid Safety Key
Electric Bike
Smart Covid Band
Vehicle Ventilation Regulation device
In-Vehicle Emergency Blaring System
Scara Robotic Arm
Smart Strap for Mask
Glassifier: The Glass Finder (Check my Glass)
Prosthetic Finger
3D Printed Wi-Fi Enabled UV sanitizing Lamp
Electric Bike
Smart Covid Band:
Finger straightener for arthritis patients
Innovation On Wheels
University Automation Project using microwave sensors
Pesticide Spraying Robot
Robotic Dog
Solar E-Bike