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Open 2025-26
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Rules For Discipline To Be Observed By The Students

All the students admitted in the CT University will have to observe and abide by the following discipline rules:

Every student must carry his/her Identity Card which should be produced when demanded.

It is mandatory for the students to attend the classes, sessions, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, etc. on all working days. Absence due to illness or unavoidable circumstances shall be considered only if the application is duly supported with medical certificate in case of illness and/or leave application form signed by the parent is submitted to the Competent Authority.

Students are expected to behave in a responsible manner and abstain from chatting amongst themselves while the class is in progress.

Students are expected to be polite individually or in groups and show respect to the faculty/ staff of the University.

Any indiscipline and misbehaviour in class or in the Campus or in the University/Public Transport or even outside the Campus would warrant disciplinary action against the student(s).

Any action of any individual, group or a wing, which amounts to interference in the regular administration of University, is strictly prohibited. Disciplinary action will be initiated against defaulter student(s).

Disfiguring or inflicting any other damage to the property of the University or belongings / of faculty/staff members or students is strictly prohibited.

No student shall indulge in any activity that might be illegal or may lead to disorderliness.

No student shall be in possession of liquor, drugs or any intoxicating material, nor would consume such things on campus, in hostels or outside.

Smoking of cigarettes/ chewing betel or tobacco or gutkha is strictly prohibited.

Indecent behaviour, eve teasing, calling names, etc. in any form are objectionable and will not be tolerated.

 Use of mobile phone is strictly prohibited in the classrooms, corridors, or anywhere in the Academic and Administrative area.

Activities like video shooting, photography, playing musical instruments and playing radio, tape recorder loudly, etc. are prohibited on the Campus except with the permission of the Competent Authority.

The students are expected to be in the class rooms/laboratories or any place of study on time prior to the commencement of the study.

On uniform-days, every student will wear uniform with decent shoes. No students will be permitted to attend classes without proper uniform. The students will wear proper uniform on all working days, failing which a fine of Rs. 50/- on being caught will be imposed.

On non-uniform days students will wear decent clothes and shoes. Multi-pocket jeans, Caprees, Low waist pants, slogan printed T-Shirts, kurta pyjammas and slippers are not permitted in the Campus.

The students are required to wear the University uniform for all industrial visits, interviews, group discussions , etc. irrespective of whether the day is uniform day or not.

Any form of ragging anywhere within the campus, outside or while traveling is strictly prohibited.

Any kind of misuse of Internet, Intranet or computer software, Mobile, etc. is strictly prohibited.

Disobeying any instructions issued by the Competent Authorities will be considered as an act of indiscipline.

Possession or use of firearms, fireworks, explosives, weapons, or items deemed to be weapons of any description are strictly prohibited on campus.

Gambling and betting (offline or online) for money or other items of value on University premises, including but not limited to, playing cards, chain business (Multi Level Marketing) or other games of chance or skill for money or other items of value.

Failure to comply with directions of University officials or disorderly abusive conduct towards University officials discharging their duties.

Misuse of fire safety equipment, setting fires, failure as well as decline to evacuate the building during a fire alarm or violation of any fire safety policy are strictly prohibited.

Misuse of social networking sites is prohibited.

Any offensive or derogatory conduct or comments by the students reflecting bias towards gender/caste/creed/region/colour, etc. or which creates sense of intimidation, harassment or which represents violation of the rights or opportunities of the victim(s) will be dealt with severely.

 Any student who makes unwelcome sexual advances or any other gesture, unwelcome verbal or written communication with sexual connotation will be liable for strict punishment.

The use of phone, email or any other method designed to transmit messages or materials of an explicit sexual nature/objectionable communication is considered as criminal offence and will be dealt with severely.

Participation in political activities by any student is strictly prohibited.

CT University believes in secularism and the students are expected to follow any religion but must respect other religions.

Students should pay due respect to the national flag, national anthem and have patriotic fervour.

The items which are not covered above and which the Competent Authorities consider as an act of indiscipline will by default be considered as act of indiscipline.

Punishment for the misconduct shall include one or more of the following:

Warning and fine

Compensation for the damage(s) caused.

Suspension from the University for a specified period.

Suspension from appearing in a specified paper / examination.

Police action.

Expulsion from the University

Withdrawal of facilities like hostel facility, transport, scholarship, etc