Apply Now Programmes Virtual Tour CT Set 2024 Ph.D
Open 2025-26
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School of Pharmaceutical Sciences



1. To contribute to the best higher education system with a transformative impact in pharmaceutical science-based research, innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship. 2. To have a transformative impact on students by focusing on deep inter-disciplinary and basic knowledge, solving complex problems, leadership, communication and interpersonal skills, personal health, and well-being. 3. To create a transformative educational experience by engaging with partners outside the traditional borders the of university campus


The vision of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (SOPS) is known globally to establish a the hallmark of excellence in drug discovery & development, augmenting proficiency for communal health and gratifying hospital pharmacy and clinical research-oriented education with global impact in emerging areas of academic excellence, innovation and drug development.

Message From HOS'S Desk

Prof. (Dr.) Vir Vikram

Welcome to CT University, India’s leading Industry driven University. CT University having a legacy of 25+ years has been delineated, modeled and governed to produce the future entrepreneurs with a great zeal and enthusiasm. My vision is to be Excellent, Engaged and Accessible and internationally recognized for our leadership in: Empowering a diverse community of students to grow their capabilities, transform their lives and find true success through high quality teaching and learning. Engaging with industry and community to make the world a better place through the creation, sharing and use of new knowledge Other than this. Life is a journey that is not meant to be made safely. I lived my life in a way, That when I look back at my life I usually say Aah i lived it, not survived it. Just know, when you truly want success, you’ll never give up on it. No matter how bad the situation may get.” Of course, there are times when it’s difficult to feel cheery or positive – life can be difficult, but always see the cup as half full instead of half empty. What we leave behind us is not always pretty, most of the time it’s messy, ugly and painful- which is exactly why we chose to leave it behind us and move on to more promising, hope filled seasons of our lives. Our lives are continuous journeys of hope and strength filled with good intentions and the desire to make our whole story a more beautiful and fulfilling experience. We are all connected by invisible threads of love, compassion and humanity. I am no different than you; I dream, hope and love just like you do. We are in this together, let’s take the time to understand, empower and encourage each other. Let’s believe in one another and remind ourselves that we are all fighting battles which we may know nothing about. 

awards and recognition

Our whole educational system, from the elementary schools to the universities, is increasingly turning out people who have never heard enough conflicting arguments to develop the skills and discipline required to produce a coherent analysis, based on logic and evidence. The implications of having so many people so incapable of confronting opposing arguments with anything besides ad hominem responses reach far.


research @univerCT

CT University’s commitment to provide an environment for excellence in Research and Development in all disciplines is arguably the best. The spectrum of CTU research activities makes the academic environment very unique that brings out the best out of creative thinking and provides the pathway to boarding, supporting, and carving highly-skilled researchers.

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