Apply Now Programmes Virtual Tour CT Set 2024 Ph.D
Open 2025-26
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Rules for Refund of Academic Fee

Application for the refund of Tuition Fee and Transport Fee received before the last date of applying refund will be accepted and thereafter no application for refund will be accepted.

Procedure of refund

a) For refund, applicant needs to apply to the university on the prescribed form as available in the university campus.
b) Only original form duly filled & signed by the candidate and parent/guardian received in person or by post/email before the last date of refund will be accepted and thereafter no application of refund will be accepted.
c) For postal delay, university will not be liable for the refund.
d) Refund will be made only after the return of original id card, fee receipt, letter from university to apply loan (if any) or any other document required at the time of refund. 
e) Refund will be made only in the form of A/c payee cheque in the favour of concerned student or parent as opted and written by the student while filling the application form for refund.
f) Once the application for refund has been submitted, then for any request to change the name of payee (student/parent) or for the request to reissue the cheque, an additional processing fee of Rs.500/- will be charged.
g) In any case, amount refunded will be in Indian currency only.
h) No interest is payable on any amount deposited with university.


Refund Policy

Refund Policy 2024-25