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Open 2025-26
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Evaluation Scheme



CT University (CTU) is the best private university located on Ferozepur Road, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. It owes its genesis to the establishment of the CT Educational Society in Jalandhar in the year 1997. After the legacy of more than 25 years, CTU was established in 2017 under the excelling vision of Sardar Charanjit Singh Channi, Chancellor, and CTU. CTU is the best multi-disciplinary, student-centric, research-focused university in Punjab, India; offering a full range of academic programs at the undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral level. The multi-disciplinary curriculum leads students towards a strong foundation in the disciplines of Design & Innovation, Humanities & Physical Education, Agriculture & Natural Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Computer Applications, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Sciences, Law, Management Studies, Hotel Management and Airlines & Tourism while enabling them to expertise in the field. The campus is completely vibrant, happening and always active within Media. CT University, Ludhiana, Punjab is available socially on all platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. Also, marks its impact in print and online media. Various newspapers cover CTU for its Educational news, Research and Colorful events. CT University is among top 30 universities in India according to ARIIA. It is awarded as one of the best universities in research in India


The conduct of examinations and declaration of results is one of the important activities of the C T University. The Examination Section is the backbone of the examination system. It is of paramount importance that the examinations are conducted with utmost precision, fairness, and objectivity to gain public credibility and esteem.

In order to achieve this, all rules and procedures relating to the examinations should be so well delineated as to leave nothing to chance and assumption. This Ordinance/ Manual is an effort in that direction. It defines the roles, responsibilities of the people involved, protocols, procedures to be followed and various steps that must be taken at all the levels associated with the conduct of the examinations of the C T University.

All the Forms/Proforma for use in the examination process/ system and documentation has been drawn out in standardized formats. Measures to curb unfair and malpractices have also been listed along with the penalty and punishments.

The policy includes all the procedures, processes, regulation, and responsibilities of the conduct of examinations for undergraduate and post graduate students of university. 


Evaluation will be done on continuous basis. The student’s performance in a course will be evaluated by assigning a letter grade. For each course, the weightage of continuous assessment and University Assessment (End Term Examination) shall be as per examination scheme of particular programme of concerned school duly approved by Academic Council. The component of course will be evaluated on the basis of exam, assignment, seminars, quizzes, attendance, practical work, viva-voce etc. as announced at the beginning of the course.

Theory: The evaluation of the theory paper would be based on Internal and External Assessments. Internal Assessment would consist of 40% of the marks (40 marks) and external assessment (in form of End Semester Exam) would consist of remaining 60% marks (60 marks).

Practical: The evaluation of the practical paper would be based on Internal and External Assessments. Internal Assessment would consist of 60% of the marks (60 marks) and external assessment (in form of End Semester Exam) would consist of remaining 40% marks (40 marks). There will be no Mid –Semester exam for Practical.

The Evaluation criterion for each academic course is based upon two major components: [a] Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) and [b] End Semester Examination (ESE). Continuous Internal Assessment is done throughout the semester in which a student is assessed on defined parameters such as University test, surprise test, class test, and sessional examination while End Semester Examination is held at the end of each semester for a pre-defined period. 


Continuous Internal Assessment has following components.

Conduct of University Test/Sessional Examination: The aim of university test is manifold. Besides being an important component of Continuous Internal Assessment for sessional marks, it also serves the purpose of providing the student an opportunity to develop skills for time management and check the level of preparedness. It will be conducted as per the plan of Institute/faculties or as per examination calendar of examination cell.

Teacher’s Assessment: The faculty of respective department gives at least two activities to the student which is attendance based and overall performance in the class, based on which students are assessed. The activity of teacher’s assessment also carries some marks.

Surprise Test: A student must appear in every surprise test. Surprise test should contain some marks. 


This scheme is applicable for all program and all course from Odd Semester – 2023 onwards. 


Internal Assessment: 




Mid Term

One Mid Term Sessional of 1 hour



 Average of marks obtained





Quiz/Surprise Test



Teacher Assessment




75 % +: 5 Marks




External Assessment:





External Theory Examination of 3 hours




Practical Examination:






Internal Practical (2 Hours)



Internal Continuous Assessment



External Practical Examination






  • The passing criteria to pass any subject is 40 %. Student has to score 40 % in internal assessment and 40 % in external assessment to pass any subject for UG Programme.
  • The passing criteria to pass any subject is 50 %. Student has to score 50 % in internal assessment and 50 % in external assessment to pass any subject for UG Programme.
  • If student score is less than 40 % in any component, he/she will be considered as fail in UG Programme. 
  • If student score is less than 50 % in any component, he/she will be considered as fail in PG Programme. 
  • If student is fail in internal assessment then student need to be appear in internal assessment examination that will be conducted at department level. 
  • If student is fail in external assessment, his/her internal marks will be carry forward and student need to be appear in Re-appear examination. 


UGC Recommended Grading system is applicable from Odd Semester – 2023 onwards.

Letter Grade:

It is an index of the performance of students in said course. Grades are denoted by O, A+, A, B+, B, C, P & F.

Grade Point:

It is a numerical weight allotted to each letter grades on a 10- Point scale.

The level of students’ academic performance as an aggregate of Continuous Evaluation and Semester End Examinations; shall be reflected by Letter Grades on a Ten Point Scale according to connotations as per the following table:

Table: Letter Grades and Grade Points

Letter Grade

Grade Point

O (Outstanding)


A+ (Excellent)


A (Very Good)


B+ (Good)


B (Above Average)


C (Average)


P (Pass)


F (Fail)


Ab (Absent)


Other than the above, the following grades may also be allotted:








Satisfactory (this will be awarded for a Course which doesn’t’ carry any credit)

Conversion of Numerical Marks into Letter Grades

The scores of Internal and External Assessments are added for conversion into a Letter Grade at pre-determined class intervals. The Grades shall be rewarded as per criteria given in below Table.

Letter Grade

Grade Point


O (Outstanding)


90 and above



80 – 89.99

A (Very Good)


70 – 79.99

B+ (Good)


60 – 69.99

B (Above Average)


50 – 59.99

C (Average)


45 – 49.99

P (Pass)


40 – 44.99

F (Fail)


Below 40

Ab (Absent)



Grace Marks

  • Maximum 5 marks in a subjects (in case of semester pass). 
  • This can be distributed between two subjects, maximum 3 in one subject (in case of semester pass). 

Summer Semester Rules

  • Student, who have debarred/detained in any subject, need to attend the summer semester classes. 
  • Student attendance should be more than 75 % during summer semester classes to appear in the summer semester examination. 
  • Student who have not get the desired CGPA for promotion in next academic year, they have to attend the summer semester to attain the desired CGPA. 

Examination Calendar

Promotion Criteria

Promotion from One Academic Year to Next (CT University)

Examinations are an integral part of the educational process.  Evaluation is continuous and reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the learners frequently so that learners have better opportunity to understand and improve themselves. 
The aim of this policy is not to prevent students from continuing their studies at the University but rather to support them in handling their academic and/or pastoral challenges.
The CT University uses the following Promotion Criteria when assessing a student’s ability to move into a next academic year:          

A student is eligible for promotion to next year, irrespective of the number of subject he/she is fail/having backlog , if he/she meets the below mentioned minimum CGPA criteria (by combining odd and even semester).

  • For First Year students Required CGPA for UG Courses is 4.0 & for Post Graduate Courses required CGPA is 4.5.
  • For Second Year students Required CGPA for UG Courses is 4.5 & for Post Graduate Courses required CGPA is 5.0.

    Meaning: If for a UG Student, if CGPA is 4 or more than 4 in First Year having any number of backlogs, he/she shall be promoted in next Year.

That it is his/her choice to clear his/her backlog in summer semester or in Re-appear Examination.

If student CGPA is less than 4 having any number of backlogs in First Year and CGPA less than 4.5 in second Year , he/she must be appear in Summer Semester to clear the backlog papers.

  • For Promotion to 3rd Year, a student, has to clear all his/her backlog of first year to be eligible for promotion to 3rd Year.
  • For Promotion to 4th Year, a student, has to clear all his/her backlog of Second year to be eligible for promotion to 4th Year.
  • For Promotion to 5th Year, a student, has to clear all his/her backlog of Third year to be eligible for promotion to 5th Year (In case of Integrated Courses).
  • Student cannot carry internal backlog to next year, he/she must clear his/her internal backlog before commencement of next year session. (In this case student has to clear his/her backlog in summer semester for theory paper as well for practical paper).


Academic Progression in B.Pharm. Programme

Academic progression rules for B.Pharm Programme are applicable as follows:

  • A student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of I, II and III semesters till the IV semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to attend the courses of V semester until all the courses of I and II semesters are successfully completed. 
  • A student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of III, IV and V semesters till the VI semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to attend the courses of VII semester until all the courses of I, II, III and IV semesters are successfully completed. 
  • A student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of V, VI and VII semesters till the VIII semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to get the course completion certificate until all the courses of I, II, III, IV, V and VI semesters are successfully completed. 
  • A student shall be eligible to get his/her CGPA upon successful completion of the courses of I to VIII semesters within the stipulated time period. 
  • A lateral entry student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of III, IV and V semesters till the VI semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to attend the courses of VII semester until all the courses of III and IV semesters are successfully completed. 
  • A lateral entry student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of V, VI and VII semesters till the VIII semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to get the course completion certificate until all the courses of III, IV, V and VI semesters are successfully completed. 
  • A lateral entry student shall be eligible to get his/her CGPA upon successful completion of the courses of III to VIII semesters within the stipulated time period.
  • Any student who has given more than 4 chances for successful completion of I / III semester courses and more than 3 chances for successful completion of II / IV semester courses shall be permitted to attend V / VII semester classes ONLY during the subsequent academic year as the case may be. In simpler terms there shall NOT be any ODD BATCH for any semester.
  • Note: Grade AB should be considered as failed and treated as one head for deciding academic progression. Such rules are also applicable for those students who fail to register for examination(s) of any course in any semester.

Eligibility for promotion to Diploma in Pharmacy (Part-II)

All candidates who have appeared for all the subjects and passed the Diploma in Pharmacy Part-I examination are eligible for promotion to the Diploma in Pharmacy Part-II class. However, failure in more than two subject shall debar him/ from promotion to the Diploma in Pharmacy Part-II class.

Process to deal with Examination Grievances

Process for Evaluation

  1. A candidate, whose result of main examination has been declared, may apply to the controller of Exams for the revaluation of any of his/her answer books (Only theory Examination) in the prescribed form within 15 days from the date of declaration of the result with the prescribed fee. 
  2. Provided that no candidate shall be allowed to have more than three answer books revalued. Provided also that no revaluation shall be allowed in case of scripts of practical, field work, seminar, sessional work, IA, tests and thesis/dissertation/project report submitted at the examination and also for the supplementary examination.
  3. If after viewing the answer book, it is felt by any student of yearly pattern that the level of valuation is not up to the satisfaction of the candidate, he/she may apply for revaluation separately. The fee paid for viewing shall not be refunded /adjusted against the fee of revaluation.
  4. Retotaling (scrutiny) of marks shall be done before the answer-books are sent for revaluation without the candidate applying for it and if any change is found, necessary action to revise the marks will be taken accordingly and revaluation will be undertaken if the candidate still desires to get his/her answer-books revalued.
  5. Where a candidate applies for revaluation the answer-book in which revaluation is sought will be sent for valuation to two examiners (other than the one who initially valued it).At least one of them shall be from a place outside the jurisdiction of the parent university. 
  6. If the marks awarded in the paper by any of the two examiners varies from the marks given by the original examiner by more than 10% of the maximum marks in the paper, the average of the marks awarded by two of the examiners, the original examiner and the two revalues and nearest to each other will be taken to represent the correct valuation. This average of marks will be awarded to the candidate for the revision of his result. Provided that subject to the condition that at least one of the variations from the original marks is more than 10% of the maximum marks in the paper, if two differences in marks allotted by the three examiners are equal, the two marks to the best advantage of the candidate shall be taken into account for arriving at the correct valuation Provided further that if the average of the marks thus arrived at is lesser than the original marks or at least one of the variations from the original marks is less than 10% of the maximum marks in the paper, the original marks will not be changed and the result shall remain unchanged.
  7. If at least one of the variations from the original marks is more than 20% but not more than 30% of the maximum marks in the paper, the answer books shall be sent to a Fourth examiner (other than the original examiner and the two revalues) for valuation. The marks awarded by this fourth examiner will be given to the candidate as a result of revaluation for the revision of his/her result. Provided that if these marks thus arrived at is lesser than the original marks, the original marks will not be reduced and the result shall remain unchanged.
  8. If it is found during the process of revaluation that the variation of marks awarded by the original examiner and by the other two examiners is very large (more than 30%), giving rise to the suspicion that either the original examiner or other examiners have not valued the answer books properly and fairly, the principal may get such cases scrutinized thoroughly and may take such necessary action, which is necessary to arrive at correct valuation of such answer-books.
  9. The time limit of applying for revaluation/ retotaling shall be 15 days and for viewing shall be 7 days from the date of the declaration of result. When the result of the candidate is withheld for non-compliance of certain conditions on his/her part (e.g. non-submission of Migration Certificate or Original documents, case of unfair means etc.) the time limit for accepting his/her form would not be extended on this account, i.e. it would be 15 days for retotaling/revaluation and 7 days for viewing from the date of the declaration of result.
  10. The fee shall be prescribed by competent authorities who may be changed from time to time.
  11. The fee paid shall be non-refundable provided that if the retotaling (Scrutiny of answer books) / viewing/revaluing has not been done due to unavoidable circumstances, full amount (Except processing charges) of fees paid shall be refunded for each answer book provided further that failure on the part of the student to be present on the scheduled and notified day of viewing shall not entitle him/her for the refund.
  12. The answer books of the University examination shall not be subject to production before any court or before the candidate or anybody else on his behalf or before any internal or external authority.
  13. The result of retotaling/revaluation shall be notified and communicated to the candidate even if there is no change in the marks.
  14. If as a result of the scrutiny/revaluation it is found that the examinee should be declared as passed or placed in a higher division or has secured more marks or on the contrary secured lesser marks than what have been awarded earlier, his /her result shall be revised accordingly and the candidate shall be provided with the revised mark sheet
  15. Student who wish to obtain Xerox of his/her answer sheet. May apply with prescribed fees along with the application duly signed and forwarded through Dean/HOD/Principal/Registrar to Controller of Examinations.
  16. After approval of Vice-chancellor, COE office will provide the Xerox of answer sheet.
  17. Fee for Re-tolling Rs. 500 per subject, for re-evaluation Rs. 500/subject, Viewing of Answer sheet Rs. 2500 per subject, Rs. 2500 for Xerox copy of Answer sheet.

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