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Code of Conduct for Teachers

It is universally felt that the status of teaching professions requires to be raised to ensure its dignity & integrity. Accordingly, it is considered necessary that there should be a code of conduct which may be evolved by the teaching community itself for its guidance.
1. The Teachers should uphold the vision and mission of the University and work for the holistic development of the students.
2. They should mark the attendance online and should be present in the respective staff rooms of departments at sharp 9.00 a.m., and they can leave the campus only after 4.40 p.m.
3. Teachers should deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, political, economic, social and physical characteristics.
4. They should be affectionate to the students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason.
5. They should pay attention to only the attainment of the student in the assessment of merit.
6. They should make themselves available to the students even beyond their class hours and help and guide students without any remuneration or reward.
7. They should refrain from undertaking any other employment and commitment including private tuitions and coaching classes which are likely to interfere with their professional responsibilities.
8. They should cooperate in the formulation of policies of the institution by accepting various offices and discharge responsibilities which such offices may demand.
9. They should refrain from availing themselves of leave except on unavoidable grounds and as far as practicable with prior intimation, keeping in view their particular responsibility for completion of academic schedule.
10. All Teachers must be punctual, sincere and regular in their approach and devote their time and their best efforts for the progress of the Institute.
11. Teacher efforts should be dedicated towards enhancing the overall quality of the education
12. The teacher should regularly update his/her knowledge by attending FDPs and workshops and keep pace with the advent of technology.
13. The teacher should engage in research and development activities by working on research projects
14. The teacher should increase the use of ICT tools to enrich the teaching-learning process
15. The teacher should interact with industries with an aim to intensify industry institute interaction
16. A teacher shall not remain absent from the institution without leave or the previous permission of the Head of the School/Dean Academics/Pro-Vice Chancellor, provided that where such absent without leave or the previous permission, is due reasons beyond the control of the teacher concerned, It shall not be deemed to be a breach of the code of conduct if, on return to duty, the teacher has applied for and obtained ex-post facto, the necessary sanction for the leave.
17. A teacher shall report for any additional duty assigned by the Head of Institution/Management/University, whether before or after the working hours.
18. A teacher shall do all work connected with extracurricular and co-curricular activities assigned to him from time Institution/Management/University. to time by the Head of his
19. A teacher shall perform his academic duties and work related to examinations as assigned. No remuneration shall be payable to the teachers for internal assessment /home examinations conducted by the institution.
20. It shall also be obligatory for a teacher to do all work connected with examination such as paper setting, assessment, and reassessment of answer books including moderation, preparing result, invigilation superintendent of examination center, working as a member of the team of squad/observer, coding-decoding of answer books, coordinating work of Central-assessment, etc. assigned to him by the University or by the Head of the Institution.
21. A teacher shall not be partial in the assessment of a student or deliberately over the mark, under the mark, or victimize a student's on any grounds.
22. It is essential for teachers to strike a balance between providing guidance and fostering independent thinking and problem-solving skills in their students hence it is expected that no important questions will be shared with students rather focus should be made on broader understanding of concepts and developing the skills among students to answer various types of questions,
23. A teacher shall not indulge in or resort to, directly or indirectly, any malpractice or unfair means in teaching/examinations/administrations. Indulging or encouraging any form of malpractice connected with examinations or any other activity is a serious offense.
24. A teacher shall not directly or indirectly do anything that may constitute sexual harassment of student/s and/or colleague/s and/or employee's or any person at his/her workplace.
25. A teacher shall not furnish incorrect information regarding his qualifications,
experience, age, etc. in respect of his appointment/promotion.
26. No teacher shall be under the influence of any drug while on duty or be found intoxicated during working hours.
27. A teacher shall not misappropriate an institution's property, or commit acts of theft, fraud, or embezzlement of funds.
28. A teacher shall not approach the court of law regarding any matter related to his service/employment without exhausting available remedies and without giving proper intimation to the Head/ Management University.
29. A teacher shall not give unauthorized interviews or releases to electronic and print media. He shall not use the electronic/print media with malafide intention of defaming the institution/university.
Failure to conform to the above-mentioned Rules shall be construed as misconduct, The enforcement of the Code is the responsibility of the appointing/disciplinary authority. The violation of the code of conduct invites disciplinary action for which detailed procedure and penalties will be prescribed. The magnitude or seriousness may not be the same in all cases. Hence the cases of violation or non-observance shall have to be dealt with at different levels and in different ways under the nature of the violation. Creating Awareness-to, To begin with, code should be circulated widely amongst the teachers, it should be uploaded on the websites of the university. At the time of initial appointment, a teacher should be provided a copy of a code of conduct for perusal and an undertaking should be taken from him/her that he/she would always strive to observe the Code in letter and spirit.