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18 May, 2023


School: Schools of Hotel Management Airline and Tourism

CT University attempts Limca Book of Records by preparing 1101 types of Phirnis, After making records of 550 different variety of vegetarian sandwiches, 300 different types of pastas and 198 omelettes by CT Group, CT University today has attempted a Limca Book of Record for making 1101 different types of phirnis by the students and faculty of School of Hotel Management, Airlines and Tourism under the patronage of University in collaboration with Amul, under the marketing brand of Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd.  167 ingredients were used to prepare 1101 types of Phirnis. As per the record guidelines, this attempt has been verified by government officials. The Guests of Honour were Chef Nellu Kaura, Founder Chef Kala, Ludhiana; Chef Vishwadeep Bali, MD, Food Masters and Chef Hitesh from Hotel Kipps. In this event, 1101 different types of nutritious and healthy phirnis were prepared by chefs and faculty of Hotel Management students. The ingredients used were basil, beetroot, khas, semolina, quinnoa, etc. The phirnis made will be distributed at NGO Manukhta Di Sewa in Mullanpur.

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