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CTU Examination System 

 the University examination system plays a very significant part.  Every year more than a million students get the marks they deserve thanks to SmartExam and our online application system: UCanAssess. Our University Examination System helps to manage the entire spectrum of examination activities. This includes an Online Examination System, secured Question Bank Management, question item creation, test venue audit reports, filling of examination forms, the release of admit cards, a compilation of results, generation of mark sheets, digital evaluation, on-screen marking, question paper distribution etc.





EXAMINATION  Annual Report :-



The evaluation system at CT University has been meticulously crafted to align with the best practices in assessment and certification, ensuring its recognition on a global scale. The cornerstone of this system is its unwavering commitment to being "scientific, objective, and transparent," thereby minimizing the influence of subjectivity, whether stemming from individual evaluators, specific subjects, or particular student cohorts.

The examination framework encompasses two essential components:

 Theory Examination: 

1.  Internal Assessment:  This facet includes a comprehensive range of assessment tools designed to gauge students' progress throughout the academic term. It comprises the 1st hourly test, 2nd hourly test, surprise assessments, quizzes, tutorial performance, and assignments. These ongoing assessments offer a holistic view of each student's learning journey, ensuring that their academic growth is consistently monitored and nurtured.

2.  External Assessment:  As the semester concludes, a final examination is conducted to comprehensively evaluate the students' overall performance. This external assessment serves as a summative measure, taking into account the culmination of their knowledge and skills acquired during the term.

This dual-pronged approach to evaluation underscores CT University's commitment to fostering a fair, rigorous, and equitable assessment system. By blending continuous internal assessment with a comprehensive final examination, the university provides students with a well-rounded evaluation process that promotes their academic development and ensures that their achievements are objectively measured.

Evaluation of Internal Assessment

Theory Papers


Weightage of Marks

Weightage of Marks 

(For Architecture only)

Internal Assessment



Ist hourly test (Unit –I)



Midterm test (Unit-I & Unit-II)



IInd hourly test (Unit-III)



Element I



Element II



Element III



Element IV



Attendance (more than 90%)



Mass Bunk






Practical Papers

A. Internal Assessment/Evaluation

  1. Each lab has 10 to 12 experiments during a semester in every practical subject and students are required to conduct all the experiments.
  2. Each experiment is to be performed by the student himself in practical class.
  3. Each syllabus is divided into 3 segments as Unit -1, Unit-2 and Unit-3 for the purpose of evaluation.
  4. Each experiment is evaluated in following three components:

Conduct of the practical

12 marks

Viva- Voce

8 marks

Recording of the Experiment

10 marks

Total Marks

30 marks

  1. Evaluation for the conduct and viva-voce is carried out and recorded on the note book of the student immediately after the conduct of experiments during the practical class.
  2. A student absent during the conduct of experiment is not given any credit for the practical and shall get zero marks.
  3. The marks in all the experiments conducted during semester are be added.
  4. The total marks obtained by the student are reduced out of 45marks.
  5. 15 marks are allotted to internal practical tests to be held twice during the semester.
  6. First internal practical test has 5 marks and is conducted after completion of 1/3rd of the practicals. The second practical test has 10 marks and is conducted after completing 2/3rd of the practicals.
  7. The internal assessment of a student is the sum of marks obtained for individual practical & marks obtained in the internal practical tests (i.e. Out of 60).
  8. 3 marks are deducted for each mass bunk.

B. External Examination:

  1. During the practical examination the student required to perform the experiment and he will record the details of the experiments on the answer sheets, followed by viva-voce examination by the external and internal examiner.
  2. Practical Examination marks will be split as under.

1. Conduct of experiment, job preparation or program preparation and implementation whichever is applicable:

20 marks

2. Recording on answer sheet

10 marks

3. Viva –Voce Examination

10 marks


40 marks

Salient Features

The salient features of the examination system are listed below:

  • The papers for the final exams set through automated software base process out of the question banks created for this purpose.
  • The evaluation of the final semester examination would be done through Table Marking at the University. Question wise evaluation will be done to maintain uniformity.
  • 10% of the answer books shall be randomly evaluated by outside experts to ensure fairness and equity.
  • The evaluated answer books shall be shown to the students. The student will see & sign the Answer books for having agreed to the evaluation.
  • In case a student disagrees with the evaluation, he/she can get the answer sheet reviewed by the Evaluation Review Board constituted for the same purpose, on payment of prescribed fee. No change in marks shall be done by any individual teacher.
  • The decision of Evaluation Review Board shall be final and binding.
  • If the increase in marks recommended by the Evaluation Review Board is more than 10% of the maximum marks for the subject, the fee submitted for the review shall be refunded to the students.
  • Final Internal Evaluation shall be displayed by the departments/Institutes, before submission to the University.
  • The total marks obtained in Internal and External Examination shall be submitted to the Registrar Office for conversion into grades based on relative grading system.
  • Grade shall be awarded to the obtained marks in each paper using Normal Distribution, without any subjectivity.
  • A student getting less than 35% of the highest marks obtained in the class shall be awarded ‘F’ grade.
  • A student getting more than 50% of the highest marks scored in the class shall not get ‘F’ Grade.
  • The final grades of the semester will be displayed along with SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) at the time of declaration of results.

Prevention of unfair means

Credit and Grade point system of evaluation system

Any student found to be using unfair means including talking to each other, getting any kind of help from outside, carrying any written material or mobile phone inside the examination hall etc, shall be awarded punishment varying from cancellation of one paper up to disqualification from any examination up to two years. For this purpose a special committee for prevention of unfair means (CPUM) is constituted.

  1. At the end of the semester, the students will be awarded a letter grade in each registered course for the semester depending on the total performance that consists of mid semester examinations, tests and quizzes(announced and surprise) , laboratory evaluation, tutorial work, seminars, home assignments and end semester examination.
  2. Letter grades will be awarded to the students as indicated below. Each letter grade indicates the level of performance in the course and grade point for the purpose of computing the SGPA, AGPA and CGPA.

Letter Grade


Grade Point








Very Good









Below Average














  1. E Grade: - This grade is awarded to the student who has attended 75% of the scheduled lectures of the subject but is unable to appear in the End Semester Exam. The student is required to appear in the final exam in the relevant semester when it is offered by paying examination fee only. The student can also choose to get the grade based on the marks obtained in various internal evaluations.
  2. F Grade: - This grade is awarded to the student who has attended 75% of the scheduled lectures of the subject but scores very low marks in the subject. In this case student has to appear in the examination again in the relevant semester by paying Examination fee only.
  3. I Grade: - This grade is awarded to the student who is unable to attain the attendance requirements of 75% of the scheduled lectures of the respective subject. In this case student has to register again for the course when it is offered in the relevant semester by paying the requisite paper wise fee.
  4. In rare cases, if the number of students opting for a paper is four or more, any paper may be offered in Summer Semester. A student can register for maximum of two Theories and one Practical paper during the summer semester.

Cumulative Grade Point Average

CGPA is the weighted average of all the grades awarded to the student since his/her entry into the university up to and including latest semester. CGPA =; Ci = Credits for ith paper Gi = Grade points of the grade earned in ith paper

Promotion to Next year and Condition for Year Back

For Undergraduate Courses

A student will be allowed to continue in the program only if, at the end of first year he/she secures CGPA of 3.5 or more or earns 40% of the credits offered in first year, similarly at the end of 2nd year. He/she secures CGPA of greater than or equal to 4.50 or earns 40% of the credits offered during Ist and IInd year. Lateral Entry students are treated as second year students. Students who are unable to fulfill the minimum requirement of CGPA shall lose one year.

For Post-graduate Courses

In case of Post Graduation, minimum required CGPA at the end of first year is 4.50 or earning of 40% credits offered in first year. Students who are unable to fulfill this requirement shall lose one year.

Requirement for award of degree

For Undergraduate Courses

A student is deemed to have completed the requirements for a program and is eligible for the award of degree if, she/he has earned a CGPA of greater than or equal to 4.50 for UG programs.

For Post-graduate Courses

The minimum CGPA required for the award of all Post-graduate degrees is 5.0.

System of Grading

Click to PDF for download System of Grading.



Curriculum innovations at CT University in Ludhiana represent efforts to modernize and enhance the academic programs offered at the institution. These innovations aim to meet the evolving needs of students, industries, and society. Interdisciplinary Programs: Introducing interdisciplinary courses or programs that combine knowledge from multiple fields to address complex real-world problems. This helps students develop a holistic understanding of issues. 2. Flexible Learning Paths: Offering flexible learning options, such as online courses, hybrid learning models, or micro-credentials, to accommodate diverse student needs and preferences. 3. Experiential Learning: Integrating experiential learning opportunities, such as internships, co-op programs, and service-learning projects, into the curriculum to provide hands-on experience. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Courses: Incorporating courses on